Friday, July 29, 2011

The Inquiry

Gareth Southgate is possibly one of the most adorable football coaches to date. Why? I've watched his 3 min-long interview about his premier league highlights for three days straight, and I still want to pinch his cheeks. FATV has another regular feature that quizzes former England players about their professional playing statistics. It's a very fun, upbeat, oftentimes comical idea that any England fan would love if they're a personal fan. The format is simple: Ask a question, they answer right or wrong, move on to the next question. The produced video, however, is frilled up a bit with fun animation, sound effects and extra graphics to help illustrate the players' answers. I literally worked on this every day this week when I wasn't updating the year-long log or checking emails. Looking back on it now, I'm actually pretty proud of this little feature. Hopefully I will remember all of the fun extras on Avid when I get back to Mizzou. Sure, I'll rarely use them, but they're good to stick in your back pocket.

*Video to come

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