Monday, July 4, 2011

Personal Pride with 5-a-sides

Two more 5-a-side features willn soon be published on and! I'm pretty proud of these small pieces because I've added more movement and rhythm to the overall flow during editing. My only struggle with this piece is understanding one name of one of the sources.

Roy Hodgson, one of the current coaches of the senior men's national team, former coach of many including the Swedish Malmo FF. He chose two Swedes to be on his ideal 5-a-side team, one being Jonas Thern, but the other is practically impossible to understand! It's kind of become a fun, yet frustrating game in the office, which I believe will end up with a grand prize... hopefully in cookie or beer form. Whoever is closest to guessing the true name and spelling of this player, is dubbed the ultimate Mumble Master. Hodgson sounds like he is saying "Hans Hallander," or "Hans Allander," or "Hans Landoven,"or "Hansel Andoven" ... or something like that. We shall see. I've tracked downt he Swedish contact information for the Malmom press secretary and have emailed and called him. As of 10:30 am today, 11:30 am in Sweden, Patrik Janelin will reply back with the footballer's name (whom he said would not be too hard to find).

I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Again, a link is coming soon.

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